On December 1, I was in my first real accident where I was the driver. I don’t count that time in high school where I backed into a classmate’s car. Yeah, I was in an accident with John about 9 years ago, but he was driving then.
I was on my way home after work and the car in front of me stopped suddenly. I was unable to stop in time. I later found out that the car in front of him had stopped suddenly, which is why he did. My airbag deployed and I got hit in the head. I remember sitting there for a little while, shocked and upset and not really sure what to do. I think the first thing I did was try to start my car to get it out of the road. Once it wouldn’t start, I knew that it was a goner. It was smoking a lot, so probably shouldn’t have tried that.
I don’t remember all the details of what happened afterward. I remember getting out of the car and the other driving talking to me at some point and telling me I needed to call the police, which I hadn’t thought to do. I got back in the car and could hear on my Verizon hum thing a conversation between whoever handles the hum emergency services and 911. I maybe had noticed something was going on with the hum earlier. I guess they detected I was in an accident and called for help. They were sending police my way and started asking me a lot of questions. They even offered to call my sister, who is listed as my emergency contact.
Firemen arrived and asked me a lot of questions just to make sure I was okay. My car was totaled. The other car just had a damaged rear bumper from what I could tell. A police officer came and took a statement. No citation was issued. The other driver is a contractor at Intel like I used to be. He said he was a little sore but didn’t need to go to the hospital. I was feeling a little pain in my groin region, but not much. I must have been hit by something. It took a while but the tow truck arrived and towed my car to my place. It was there for a weekend until GEICO arranged to have it taken away. What was weird is that when I started my car to drive home that night, it was making a noise that it had been making intermittently for weeks. I remember thinking to myself that I didn’t want to have to buy a new car anytime soon. I had planned on taking it in for regular servicing in just 2 or 3 days.

Overall, I was pretty lucky.The guy who owns the building next to mine told me a few days ago that he saw the car and figured whoever was driving the car was in the hospital. A neighbor told me that he saw it and didn’t see me for a few days and wondered if I was okay. The night of the accident, I started feeling some knee and back pain and I started having headaches. All went away within a week except for the back pain. Ive been seeing a chiropractor about that. I know the other driver has seen a doctor too. One time I was driving and I though I was about to hit a car in front of me. I braked pretty hard. It turns out that there was no car in front of me.
GEICO has been a pleasant insurance company to work with for the most part. They paid me more than I would have expected for my old car. They reimbursed me for the cost of having my old car towed to my place. They are taking care of my medical bills and the other drivers. Since it’s my first accident, I quality for accident forgiveness.
I was in a rental car for 5 days before I got a new car. I’m not big on cars and don’t like spending lots of money on them. I just want something to get me around town. I’m constantly tempted to give up driving and take public transportation everyone. I went to a dealership to look at a used Nissan Leaf, but it wasn’t there anymore. I probably dodged a bullet on that one. Having an electric car would have been a pain. I ended up with a 2016 Kia Rio. I never thought I would buy a new car, but I did. It wasn’t a perfect car, but it had all the audio features I wanted. I spent a little money today getting some upgrades. Now it’s about 90% perfect. I can live that 10%.
Having a new car isn’t a bad thing. I just don’t like the way it happened. Since then I’ve been a little extra careful making sure there’s enough space between me and the next car. We’ve had a lot of snow an ice over the past few weeks, so I stayed home as much as I could. I don’t need any more accidents.
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