
Posts Tagged ‘better eating’

Weight Loss, Part II

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 1 comment

I’m not going to lie.  It is nice that people are noticing that I’ve lost weight.  Unlike the last time I lost a bunch of weight, this time it’s happened all the right way (I think).  I’ve had a few people ask me what I’m doing and my answer has been 1) exercise and 2) eating better.

It always takes me a while to get in a good pattern, stop making excuses, and start exercising on a regular basis.  For me this happened when I was on vacation around Labor Day of last year.  Since then I’ve been doing cardio for 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week.  Now I’m used to going 5 days a week.  It’s part of my normal routine on those days.  There are times when I don’t want to go, but I do and I feel good after I finish.

Eating Better
I refuse to give up any of the foods I like or count calories. I just have to keep everything in moderation.  Even after I started exercising, I noticed that I was eating enough for 2 at dinner each night and I was eating too much junk at other times.  Now I’m only eating enough for 1.  I still get to eat my chicken, burgers, steak, pasta, etc.  I don’t snack much throughout the day.  When I do, I tend to eat peanuts, apples, or a small piece of candy.  I used to eat 1 or 2 packs of Reese’s Big Cups a day, but now I might have 1 a week. I don’t eat fast food often these days. I rarely eat meals prepared outside home.  This has been fun because I’ve learned to cook a lot of good meals.  Also, I don’t drink soda much anymore and I don’t really miss it.  I drink lots of water, juice, and tea instead.  Saturday tends to be my cheat day.  That’s when I’ll eat fast food with a Dr. Pepper and have a Reese’s at some point during the day.  Another benefit to eating better besides weight loss has been the money that I’ve saved.  I estimate that I’m saving around $150 a month on food.  That more than pays for my gym membership.

So, that’s what I’ve been doing.  It may work for everyone, but it’s worked for me.  It’s all been worth it.

P.S. – The next time someone asks me what how I’ve lost weight, I’m going to say cocaine, diet pills, and cigarettes just to see their reaction.