
Posts Tagged ‘running’

Run, Will, Run

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 No comments

Back in the spring, I started a new month-long workout routine.  There are some days of the month that this routine calls for me to run for an hour. Yes, a fucking hour.  While I was intimidated by this number at first, I quickly found that it was manageable.

Not long after this I joined a running meetup called the Queer Pacific Running Club.  They go for a five mile run in Forest Park in NW Portland every Saturday morning and then have brunch afterwards.  They have people of all levels normally, but I’m usually one of the slowest.  I don’t make it to many of these meetings because it takes up a large chunk of my Saturday and I hate feeling like I’m holding people up with my slowness.  They’re a friendly bunch of people and many of them are members of other groups that I participate in.

Not long before this I had started Couch to 5K.  I did this on the treadmill at the gym.  I think I got to my next to last week when I ran with Queer Pacific for the first time and completed the run, so I never bothered finishing c25k.  I’ve participated in 2 5ks in the past few months.

I really enjoy running though I don’t do it as consistently as I should.  I understand the runner’s high now.  Most of my running is at the gym and occasionally I’ll go running in my neighborhood or in Forrest Park.  The most I’ve gone is about 5.75 miles.  I hope to increase that and increase my pace.  I’ll probably keep doing fun 5ks. Maybe I’ll do 10ks since that’s only about half a mile more than my max.  I don’t know if I’ll ever do a half marathon or anything crazy like that.  I’m planning on going for a run after work today and I plan on joining Queer Pacific for the first time in a while this weekend.  I hear there have been a bunch of new faces recently and socializing was one of the main reasons I joined that group in the first place.