
Archive for the ‘Pets’ Category

Christmas 2022

Friday, December 30th, 2022 No comments

This Christmas season was bittersweet. I couldn’t help but think that it’s the 1st Christmas without my boy Reese since 2007. Max is a great companion, however.

I had Thanksgiving dinner with Josh and Aaron again this year. We watched Disenchanted after we ate. We had ‘dim the lights’ at work the first part of that week (work from home, no meetings) and of I was off Thursday and Friday.

I was ready for Christmas this year. I listened to more Christmas music. I saw some holiday commercials on TV and at the movie theater that made me a little emotional.

We had a ‘dim the lights’ week at work the week between Christmas and my birthday. We had Christmas dinner at Josh and Aaron’s, but there was about 7 of us this time. We played video games and did our while elephant exchange. On Christmas Day we had Chinese Dinner and my friend Nir’s place. There were about 5 of us, 2 who I had never met before.

I started feeling a little sick late on Christmas day. I’ve been sick since. Covid tests have all been negative. When one things starts to feel better, something else starts to get worse. Overall, I’m better than I was at the beginning of the week. It sucks because this was my vacation week and I’ve spent it all isolated inside. I’m probably going to miss the NYE party I’m supposed to be going to tomorrow.

I didn’t get as much this year as normal. I still have 3 exchanges that were moved to January because of the hectic holiday season. What did I get?

  • a rainbow-colored beanie
  • several video games (purchased for myself)
  • God is Disappointed in You by Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler
  • Arboretum board game
  • Finding Me by Viola Davis
  • some soaps and creams
  • Nike gift card

Update: 12/31/2022
I realized that I usually give end of year thoughts in the Christmas post and not in a separate post like I thought. At the past few years I’ve done it that way. So I’m updating this.

2022 has been challenging, most because of death. Reese passed away and exactly 1 month later one of my oldest friends died. My aunt passed away last month and last week we lost a cousin (I think he’s a cousin, but I’m not sure. I have a large extended family). Some people who I knew of in the local community passed and of course some celebrities I liked did to.

It wasn’t all bad. I got a new job, which is an FTE position like what I was hoping to find this last year. I’ve made some progress and adjustments healthwise and I still have a long way to go. I started playing guitar again. I incorporated PDX Gaymers as a nonprofit. I’ve met tons of cool people. And so much more.

I’m a little bummed out that I’m too sick to go out tonight, but the rest will be good for me. I know that likely nothing will be different tomorrow, but I am looking forward to seeing what 2023 holds for me.

Remembering Reese

Monday, June 27th, 2022 No comments

Today would have been Reese’s 14th birthday. I miss him every day. I miss how spastic he was and how he couldn’t sit still for more than a few seconds, even if you were petting him. I miss how when you sat on the floor, he would put his head down and charge right into your crotch. I miss him sleeping on the couch or in his bed next to mine. I even miss him barking when someone came to the door. There have been a few times where I thought I saw him out of the corner of my eye, but then I remembered that he’s gone. He shows up a lot on my screensaver that pulls pictures from my photo albums. A lot of times I pause and remember and what was going on in that pic if I remember. I still plan on writing down as many memories as I can think of, especially ones that aren’t photographed. Reese was born days after my grandmother died. I used to jokingly say that she sent him to look after me. She was always looking after me. Happy birthday, my little prince. You are gone too soon.

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R.I.P. Reese

Monday, April 11th, 2022 No comments

For those that don’t follow me on social media, Reese passed away today. He’d gradually gotten worse recently and this weekend was just bad. He was ready to go and it was time to let him go. I’ll say more later. Right now I’m remembering him. Tomorrow will be the first time in over 2.5 years I’ve woken up without him nearby. We never spent more than 8 days apart during his lifetime. I’m glad he’s not sick anymore. We’ll get by without him.

June 27, 2008-April 11, 2022. Get you some rest, my little prince. You deserve it.


Time Marches On

Thursday, March 31st, 2022 No comments

I’m feeling pretty positive about life lately all things considered. Work is going well. I’ve had so many great experiences with friends this past month or so. I’m once again grateful for the friendships I have and it’s nice to be out and about again post Omicron peak. My friend Cody and I were both saying that we weren’t going to let the pandemic take another year from us. I’m taking precautions, but I’m out enjoying my life.

The biggest negative is that Reese has taken a bit of a turn for the worse. I’ve had almost 5 months to get used to the idea that he will be leaving. I take solace in the fact that he won’t be sick anymore.

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A Fighter Begins His Final Fight

Sunday, November 28th, 2021 No comments

I haven’t talked about this publicly yet, but a few weeks ago Reese was diagnosed with cancer. Cancer sucks. We started treatment the next day and for about a week and a half he seemed to be getting better, but after that he started going back to where he was. He’s still with us now, but I don’t know how much longer he will be.

Reese has been through a lot with his knee and back issues that are common in his breed and he’s recovered each time. The first occurrence was before we moved to Portland almost 10 years ago now. Four years ago this month, he was told he would probably never walk again and 2 weeks later he was running to greet me at the door like he always did. Even now with everything going on, he’s still running around the living room and barking at people at the door as usual. I’ve done what I could to prevent him from aggravating his back and knees, but I don’t think there’s anything I could’ve done to prevent this.

Everything right now is making sure he’s comfortable and happy and his quality of life up for whatever time he has left. At 13 and half I knew he had more years behind him than ahead of him, but it’s still too soon.

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