
Posts Tagged ‘movable type’

10 Years

Monday, October 6th, 2014 No comments

I didn’t realize it until a month after the fact, but this site turned 10 years old in August.  Time flies, doesn’t it?

I remember trying to decide which platform to use before deciding on Movable Type.  Now I’m using WordPress.  I remember switching hosts at some point,  but I don’t remember why.  I’m sure it’s in the archives somewhere.  I’ve gone through at least a couple of different redesigns.

Blogging isn’t as popular as it used to be, but I hope I’m still doing some form of this 10 years from now.  It’s a good way to help remember things that happened to me.  I’m going to try to write more often in the future, but I’m pretty sure I’ve said that before :).

What’s Old is New

Sunday, January 27th, 2008 1 comment

I guess Movable Type pissed me off one too many times, so I just decided to try something different.  I had been working some on trying to finalize those design changes I started on a while back.  Yesterday I tried to upgrade to Movable Type 4.1 and things got screwed up.  I wasn’t in a mood to try to figure out how to get things right again, so I decided to switch to something else.  It gave me a chance to redesign the site and switch to a new platform. I decided on WordPress.  I’m sure I’ll have issues with WordPress, but for now I’m happy.  I even decided to pick out a theme from their website instead of spending a lot of time coming up with one on my own.  One of the reasons I wasn’t blogging as much is that I wasn’t happy with the look of the site.  Now I won’t be worrying about that.  I’ll get the other pages up sooner or later.