Problems Getting Smallville, a.k.a The Things I Do For TV
I got DirecTV a few days before The CW launched. Before then I had been without cable for about 7 months. Unfortunately for me, after The CW launched I discovered that it would not be offered on DirecTV where I live. The local CW affiliate (which I believe is in Columbus, MS) had not reached a deal with DirecTV, so I would have to do without. It seems hard to get good things in this town.
The only reason I would watch The CW is Smallville. It’s one of my favorite shows. I started watching right before the second season started and I’ve seen every episode. I have to go through more trouble than I like to see each episode and I often get way behind.
I decided to finally see if there was anything I could do about it. DirecTV has terrible customer service and the sound of this guy’s voice and the way he was breathing into the phone quickly aggravated me. He said that I might be eligible to receive one of their feeds from Los Angeles or New York. Unfortunately, he checked and told me that I wasn’t eligible. He then said that I could apply for a waiver from the local CW affiliate to see if they would allow me to receive the feed out of New York. The decision is solely up to the CW affiliate, but if they approve it, I would have to pay an extra $1.50 a month. I don’t mind paying that to see Smallville. The waiver could take up to 45 days to process. As long as it happens before the season premiere, it’ll be ok.
I hope the decision goes my way and for the first time in close to 2 years I can watch Smallville as it first airs. Has anybody else had any experience with this kind of thing?
Update, 6/14/2007
According to, 45 days from this date is Thursday, July 12.
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