New TV Shows
I have been watching several of the new shows that started this year. The last I heard most of them are either canceled or struggling in the ratings the last I heard.
- Heroes (POPULAR)
- Studio 60 (struggling)
- 30 Rock (not sure, but I don’t really like it much)
- The Nine (not so great)
- Vanished (might as well be canceled)
- Kidnapped (canceled)
Part of me is glad that my schedule might be clearing up some, but another part of me hates that interesting shows might not be on much longer. I think the problem is that too many new shows follow the long continuous story (serial) format that made shows like 24 and LOST so popular. It’s hard to find the time or energy to keep up with them all. I’m still watching them out of habit, but knowing what happens doesn’t seem that important anymore so I probably won’t be watching them much longer. The only one I think I’ll still be watching at the end of the season is Heroes, even if some of the others are still on TV.
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