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New Terry Goodkind

Friday, December 31st, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

I got a pleasant surprise a little while ago. The new Terry Goodkind novel, Chainfire, is being released on January 4, 2005. That is this coming Tuesday! I had forgotten that it was coming out so soon. I thought it wasn’t coming out until much later in the year. Goodkind does get his books out fairly quickly. The last one was released in July 2003. You can bet that I’ll be in the bookstore on that day.

I also found out a little about the plot for the first time. Here’s the description from Amazon.com.
With Wizard’s First Rule and seven subsequent masterpieces, Terry Goodkind has thrilled readers worldwide with the unique sweep of his storytelling. Now Goodkind returns with a new novel of Richard and Kahlan, the beginning of a sequence of three novels that will bring their epic story to its culmination.
After being gravely injured in battle, Richard awakes to discover Kahlan missing. To his disbelief, no one remembers the woman he is frantically trying to find. Worse, no one believes that she really exists, or that he was ever married. Alone as never before, he must find the woman he loves more than life itself….if she is even still alive. If she was ever even real.
