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Friday, November 5th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

I was doing some reading on one of my favorite series of books, The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, and found some cool information. Debt of Bones, a prequel to the series, was released in standalone paperback on Nov 2. On the copyright page, the author is listed as Robert Jordan, who is the author of The Wheel of Time series. Both authors use the same publishing company, Tor Fantasy. Since The Sword of Truth is similar to The Wheel of Time in many aspects, some people say that Goodkind copied The Wheel of Time and just changed the name and places. Maybe somebody at the publishing company was just trying to give credit where it’s due. I doubt it though. Anyway, on the same day as it was released, Tor recalled all copies of the book and is having them destroyed. If anybody got a copy, it’s probably a collectors item.
