Catching Up
The new TV season started a few weeks ago. I tried out a lot of new shows. It was hard to keep up with them and the old shows that I was already watching. A lot of the new shows were mediocre, so I’ve been able to drop a few and free up some time.
I’m still exercising. So far I’ve lost about 27 pounds. I’m starting to get bored at the gym, so I may need to switch it up a little bit.
Work has slowed down. The project that I was working on for the first half the year has stalled, so it’s back to the same old stuff that I’ve always done. The next month could be pretty busy though.
Some things are finally starting to fall into place. It’s time to make some of the changes I’ve wanted to make for a while. There are things that I want to do while I’m still young enough to want to do them. Maybe I’ll make a list and post it here. Hopefully, there will be raises in the New Year because I won’t feel comfortable trying to do some of these things until I have more income. I’m single, so I don’t have 2 incomes at my disposal like most of the people I work with. If there are no raises, then it might be time to move on.
I need to blog more. There are a lot of things on my mind.
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